sâmbătă, martie 22


I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize, nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo...

lOoV s n th3 ar:*:X:*:X:*:X


miercuri, martie 12

azi vs maine...;););)

azi suntem aici...maine putem fi departe...
azi plangem...maine putem rade...
azi avem un gand....maine putem avea altu...
azi suntem singuri....maine putem fi cu iubitul/a
azi nu avem prieteni...maine avem o gramada..;))
azi avem familie....maine putem sa nu o mai avem...(profitatzi de toate mom petreqte alaturi d ea)
azi itzi place cv....maine altceva...
azi itzi doreshti un lucru...maine nu il mai vrei....

da ....dc sa mai ashteptzi pana maine??????...heeey....n'are rost....

profita de fiekre mom...fi fericit....pt ceea ce eshti...pt ceea ce ai....shi dak azi vrei sa pleci....nu mai ashtepta pana maine....maine...paote fi prea tarziu:P:P:P...

DoOoO.OoN't b3 sAd...dOoOoOoN't f33l bLu3...Frank3nst3n was uGlY tOoOoO;));));))